Email Archiving And The Cloud
Your e-mail volumes are on the up, and the need to archive messages and data for extended periods is placing increasing pressure on the performance of your mail server as well as your current storage capacity. But your budget for investing in additional space for your infrastructure, along with all the other pressing needs within your business systems, is struggling to keep pace. Faced with this situation, organizations are increasingly turning to our cloud-based email archiving solutions in order to meet compliance and storage demands in a cost-effective manner.
By moving your email archiving to the cloud you can release huge amounts of storage space within your network, improving the performance of your mail server, your backup systems and even employee desktop and laptop computers. Our cloud email archiving services provide high availability, platform agnostic support for different email applications, industry-strength encryption to deter tampering and comprehensive auditing, reporting and e-discovery to help you meet your industry and legislative compliance requirements.
A cloud based archiving model is for any organisation looking to:
Reduce Costs. On-premise archiving involves utilising current and additional hardware, with an increase in both upfront capital expenditure as well as ongoing overheads in management and support resources. These can be substantial, with energy costs in particular now a significant factor. By comparison, a cloud based archive has a far lower overhead, with a fixed monthly fee based on usage
Fast Capacity Expansion. With the amount of email data requiring storage increasing there is the real risk of disk storage and management becoming a long term issue, while capacity increases demand forward planning and potentially systems downtime during implementation. Expanding a cloud archiving service requires little more than upgrading the package required, with increases implemented immediately.
Improve Availability & Enhance Business Continuity. Access to email archives should be convenient and flexible in order to allow for the depositing and search / retrieval of email data. A cloud archiving service provides this functionality with the bonus of the possibility to perform such tasks from any location using any device - an increasingly common demand in today's more flexible working environment.
Meet Compliance Demands. Legislative and industry compliance requires that your organization retains email data for extended periods - and provide excellent e-discovery tools to produce original email content and information, with supporting logs that demonstrate the data being delivered has not been tampered with. A cloud archive service typically provides strong security, both in terms of the archiving application and the systems within which it is placed, while the level of investment made in our datacentre, with multiple connectivity and failover, means you can have the confidence of utilising our email archiving service and be able to retrieve email data simply and conveniently - an important factor to consider in situations that demand you do so.
Migrating to our cloud archiving service is a simple, painless process. Our long term expertise in cloud computing and storage technologies puts us in pole position when it comes to providing a flexible, robust services that comfortably accommodates your email data needs - and our UK datacentre gives you the confidence that your most sensitive data is protected under domestic legislation.