Open-E Solutions
Open-e are renowned for Data Storage Software V7 (DSS V7), a file and block storage management software which supports NAS Storage, iSCSI storage, InfiniBand, and FibreChannel. The software is iSCSI Active-Active Ready for high-availability and also provides Remote Mirroring for disaster recovery, WORM (Write Once Read Many) support for digital archiving, and NDMP (Network Data Management Protocol) support for universal backup.
Open-E DSS is an ideal for solution for any organization looking for storage software that:
- Can support a mix vendors and technologies in a storage environment that has grown over time
- Will support legacy solutions along with new products
- Is scalable and doesn't require additional software to enable it to work
- Is stable and robust in service and doesn't require periodic reboots
- Uses an intuitive interface that provides a complete view of the storage environment
- Is easy to licence and can even be tried for free with storage of up to 2TB
Open-E DSS is a high-value storage software solution that will improve the performance of your storage and backup systems without the need to remove your legacy solutions that have provided you with sterling service - and will support new solutions introduced to meet your evolving storage needs. The wide range of environments that Open-E supports - Windows, Apple and VMware - makes it a natural choice for any organization that has a combination of platforms and wants to homogenise the management of their storage infrastructure.
As DSS is based on Linux it has a hugely stable platform that won't need rebooting at regular intervals, plus the intensive development gives DSS a major advantage over using free distributions that do not provide comparable levels of compatibility and support - and of course doesn't need additional server OS licences.
DSS is easy to install, with a Setup Wizard helping you with all the network and system settings for up to 128 CPUs - you get up fast, with built-in help, and can see immediate results. Tasks can be automatically scheduled for data, volume replication and snapshots, and Administrators can be notified automatically of any hardware or RAID issues, helping to improve the performance of your storage systems.
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Storage White Paper: Failover Solutions Performance Comparison
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